Multiplayer , Secrets , Weapons. In Hardcore, you can put on a Supperssor attachment on it and shoot an enemy in the foot through a wall and it will be a one-hit kill! To unlock these camos, you only need to acquire a specific number of kill streaks by killing a certain number of enemies using the specific weapon you want to unlock the camos. Drone also has a car right next to the B flag on domination, which is also a great spot to explode when it is being captured by the enemy! Choco Get 30 headshots. But to make things easier for both you as a sniper and for the amount of one-hit kills you need with it, it's almost a better choice to go normal core, since you'll be just as deadly as anyone else.
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Press the C button when hovering the mouse over a weapon to see the camouflage selection screen, where you can see the challanges that needs to be done to unlock a certian camouflage that you want, as well as selecting an already earned camo camso want to equip on your selected gun.
DEVGRU The first available camouflage unlocked, as well as one of the least used because of it's plain and one-dimensional look. Shoot Ballistic blades in the ground when you spawn and pick them back up for a cheap way to get the "retrieved blade" challenge.
"Black Ops 2" Camo Challenges & Diamond Camo | LevelSkip
Tomoxx Dec 6, That way, you will get headshots in a random-low rate. Art of War Get kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped. This camo consists of a pink background with twigs goung about with pink flowers growing, which is my personal favorite!
The only problem for most players is the S12, as well as the M shotguns, since you need one-hit kills with them. ERDL Get 30 kills. Sticks and stones because you can get balistic kills and crossbow that's what I do. A great tip is to go domination and shoot a rocket by the flag when it is being captured.
Before you go on a hunt to unlock the camo you think look the coolest, you need to know how to get it to begin with.

This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. Cherry Blossom Destroy 1 aircraft.
"Black Ops 2" Camo Challenges & Diamond Camo
Black Ops II In other languages: First off, if you're gonna unlock all the camos available for a specific gun, you need to unlock the camos starting from DEVGRU, all the way up to Kryptek: Get 1 Double Kill medal with the crossbow Double Kill: Get 5 double kill medals Double Kill: Try to complete only one challenge at a time.
The key is to aim and not mindlessly spam the trigger on them just as you see them.
This hidden feature is not that complicated to unlock but will definitely require no2 time before you can open it. Delta 6 Assault Shield: Say I want diamond for the DSR The Executioner still needs headshots rather than one-hit kills to unlock the first 9 camouflages.
What's the best method in getting the headshots for the Executioner? Get 5 kills in one life Personal experience For the "special" group, using the ghost perk can help tremendously as all the weapons in this group are either melee or not very strong.
All NEW Black Ops 2 weapon camos to go on sale based upon fan votes -UPDATE
What did you say? On the Weapon Class screen, scroll across and select a weapon. Get 60 kills Choco Assault Shield: Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Stick with me here and hope you learn a bp2 or two about the camo mechanics in this game!

It's a famous choice for people who wants to take down their target, silent and stealthy, although not many people know the exact role of how to use a sniper rifle and be succesfull with it. Do you always unlock gold or diamond camouflages in all the games?

In this game, the Submachine Guns are a wise choice because of the close quarter map design, aswell as their humongous magasine sizes aiding the user in their battles, of course you want to show off how deadly you are with them!
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