Monday 25 November 2019


Also, some field studies have exposed a depth gradient in soil redox potential Liesack et al. Other models used for simulating carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry in agricultural systems include. In general, DayCent estimated a more negative soil redox potential under no-tillage output variables not shown , owing to the increase in SOC content associated with this system. In any case, DayCent is more sensitive to recent management, so the absence of longer-term historical data on land use and management at the experiment site is not critical to model crop yield as shown above and soil CH 4 emissions Del Grosso et al. Special features of the DayCent modeling package and additional procedures for parameterization, calibration, validation, and applications. In a meta-analysis of CH 4 emissions in Chinese rice fields, Feng et al. daycent model

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daycent model

We evaluated the new version in a paddy rice experiment in Southern Brazil. A model spin-up simulation of 6, years using natural grassland under moderate grazing was conducted to initialize DayCent Parton et al.

Soil GHG fluxes using LUCAS soil-DayCent (for EU)

Each base covered three rice plant rows. The JRC agrees to provide the data free of charge but is not bound to justify the content and values contained in the databases. Soil organic matter SOM dynamics in flooded production systems, which is associated with CH 4 fluxes, is a crucial factor for sustainable flooded rice production.

In addition, observed and simulated data from conventional tillage and no-tillage were visually compared in plots highlighting 1: Similar studies in China were also able to simulate yield adequately Stehfest et al.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; The current SOC stocks observed corroborate what has been observed in previous studies on tillage systems in paddy rice: In any case, DayCent is more sensitive to recent management, so the absence of daycebt historical data on land use and management at the experiment site is not critical to model crop yield as shown above and soil CH 4 emissions Del Grosso et al. For instance, the redox status of soil affects both methanogenesis and methanotrophy, and field measurements dyacent soil CH 4 fluxes reflect a dynamic equilibrium between these two processes.

Journal of Environmental Quality, Soil Sci Soc Am J. Thus, incorporating crop residues into anaerobic subsurface soil layers under conventional tillage potentially increases methanogenic activity and leads to higher soil CH 4 emissions.

However, the model failed to represent the observed moddl of no-tillage to mitigate soil CH 4 emissions, possibly because model algorithms were not able to capture the actual field conditions derived from daycfnt management, such as soil redox potential, plant senescence, and surface placement modsl plant residue.

August 2, ; Accepted: However, rainfall events at the end of the rice growing season in the above-mentioned years may have caused soil redox potential to remain in the negative region and enhanced CH 4 production in combination with greater root C exudation. It is therefore impossible to ascertain whether DayCent tends to overestimate soil methanogenesis or underestimate methanotrophy under no-tillage.

Evaluation of the DayCent model to predict carbon fluxes in French crop sites

Soil organic carbon stocks measured under the daycebt treatment increased from 24 to 36 Mg ha -1 in 12 years, whereas the simulated SOC stocks increased from According to Bayer et al. Carbon stocks were estimated as equivalent soil mass, taking the soil under conventional tillage as a reference. Simulated rice yields under no-tillage were compared with observed data Figures 1 and 2. Additional input data for the DayCent model, such as soil hydrological and physical properties for this soil class Gleysolwere obtained from Uhde Chamber bases were driven 0.

daycent model

Simulation of global crop production with the ecosystem model DayCent. Plant, soil, and greenhouse data were obtained from previous studies conducted in the same experiment Bayer et al. In the other three seasons, the simulations were quite accurate in comparison with the observed values.

DayCent - Wikipedia

Rice is modfl major crop in southern Brazil, where the state of Rio Grande do Sul leads the country in cropped area approximately 1. Details regarding air sampling, analysis, and calculation of CH 4 fluxes and seasonal emissions are available in Bayer et al.

Daily meteorological data for the period were obtained from a weather station in Porto Alegre, 13 km from the experimental site, and data since from an automatic weather station at the research station.

A comparison of the performance of nine soil organic matter models using datasets from seven long-term experiments. Skip to main content. Legumes or nitrification inhibitors to reduce N 2 O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping dayent in Oxisols? This suggests that another mechanism that could reduce CH 4 emissions under no-tillage may not be accurately represented by the model, and the inaccuracy may have resulted from the inability of the model to capture the influence of tillage systems on soil redox potential and of the location of labile C input by crop residues under no-tillage.

This underperformance of the model in reproducing expected lower soil CH 4 fluxes under no-tillage might be explained by a combination of effects related to plant senescence, and soil redox potential which might have impaired DayCent performance at the end of the growing season, as we discuss below.

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